Friday, February 20, 2015

Danger Zone

     The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there. In the year 2099 the government was taken over by an evil dictator named Colth. Colth came into power in 2050, he killed everyone in charge of the country on national T.V. In 2075 Colth was starting to die witch made everyone happy but a group of scientist made a device that would make him live forever. In 2089 he blew up half of the United States leaving a 12% population level in the United States. Now in 2099 my name is Carla and I’m looking for a way to stop Colth, and the only way to do that is to go back to the past. I have been hunting a supposed time machine, located in the Nevada desert in the Danger Zone. I’ve been out hear by myself well with my dog Shalimar, it’s been two years sense I had to leave my town but I’m so close to the places with the time machine. One more mile and I will be there then I can change the past and save the future. Finally I and Shalimar made it what we found was a military base named “Base 23.” As I walked through the rows of empty burning bunkers there was a bunker untouched by the explosion that happened a few years ago. In the bunker was a unknown machine but I knew it was the Time machine, as I walked toward the machine a voice echoed through the room as I looked around a blinding flash of light surrounded me and suddenly I was in an empty filled. I looked at my feet there was a newspaper at the top of it the date read 2035, I finally made it to the past but right behind me was my dog lying dead guts every wear, I dropped to my knees. For now She Knew what Shalimar knew: If you surrendered to the air, you could ride it.

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