Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Beast

     They say out in the woods there is a beast that eats children that disobeys their parents orders, so when a child disobeys their parents the beast comes out of the woods and takes the chilled to his home and cooks them up to eat. These stores are used to scare kids so that they listen to their parents, but one kid didn't take these stores to be true he knew they were all lies to keep them under control, or were they. One day the kid was playing close to the woods when his parents told him to stay close to the house but he didn't listen and all of a sudden he was grabbed and dragged into the woods.
     There was a full investigation about the disappearance the only thing they found was a long sharp claw with blood on it. A year has passed since the kid’s disappearance and the adults of the village know how he disappeared but don’t want to talk about it because they don’t want to bring back the beast, not even the other kids of the village talk about their friend’s disappearance. It was in July when they found the body of another child and that’s when the adults decided to go after the beast.
     All of the adults grabbed all of their guns, axes, and lanterns they used whatever they could use as a weapon. As the adults went into the woods the children stayed home and locked the doors. It was three hours when they found the beast’s home it looked like a giant cave with bloody animal carcasses around it. The beast came out roaring at the top of his lungs, when the village people saw him they were shocked the beast looked like a wolf with spider limbs under the lower half of his body. The beast attacked by throwing fungus off his back, some of it hit two of the village people and caused them to melt.

     All of the village people gathered together and started attacking the gross beats, the village people were shooting the beast and stabbing him with the tools they brought. By the end of the night the beast was dead, the village people burned all the remains of the beast and made sure no one was cut by him to make sure no infection would spread. All the village people went home and lived the rest of there lives in peace.

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